Feedback in All Writing Classes
In addition to the details listed in each writing class syllabus, the following standards will be met by all Academy writing instructors:
- After the first two weeks of the year, the student will receive instructor feedback weekly.
- Instructors will focus on identifying patterns of error and success in student work, addressing the student's demonstrated understanding and completion of the assignment. Feedback will center on trends within the student's work, including attention to detail and ability to follow assignment instructions, grammar and writing mechanics usage, micro and macro organizational principles, and competency with the subject of the essay.
- While instructors will use feedback as a tool to point out areas for growth and student success, they will refrain from copy editing, or marking a student's submission line-by-line, aligning with the classical education model's emphasis on independent critical thinking and problem-solving. This assessment method fosters the student's self-reliance and deeper subject understanding, in line with the Academy's educational philosophy and promoting student growth.
- An important note on how feedback is given on a project where students submit multiple drafts: When instructor feedback has been provided on previous drafts of a developed paper, the final version may not receive significant additional feedback. Students and parents are encouraged to review all feedback given throughout the writing process to gain a comprehensive understanding of the student's writing progression.
Special Considerations
- In Preparation for Expository Writing, the focus on training students to read and follow instructions meticulously influences the feedback provided by instructors. They will assess students' fulfillment of assignment directions, adherence to formatting guidelines, and mastery of grammar and mechanical standards. Consequently, instructors may provide feedback that evaluates the student's attention to detail, ability to follow instructions accurately, and proficiency in applying grammar and mechanical principles. The grading may place greater emphasis on these foundational skills compared to subsequent courses, reflecting the course's objective of building a strong foundation for expository writing.
- In Expository Writing courses, the emphasis on fostering active participation and engagement in group learning activities informs the type of feedback and grading instructors provide. They will assess students' ability to contribute meaningfully to group discussions, receive and incorporate feedback effectively, and engage in constructive writing critiques and in-class activities with peers. Therefore, instructors may provide feedback that evaluates the student's collaborative skills, receptiveness to feedback, and ability to apply peer and instructor suggestions in their writing, all of which contribute to their overall understanding and mastery of the writing process.
- In Rhetoric Writing, the emphasis on crafting appropriate voices tailored to diverse audiences informs the type of feedback and grading instructors provide. They will assess students' ability to adopt a formal and academic tone suitable for scholarly discourse, which includes evaluating the clarity, professionalism, and effectiveness of their written communication. Therefore, instructors may provide feedback that specifically addresses the development and refinement of the student's tone, language choice, and overall rhetorical strategies to ensure alignment with the expectations of academic writing.
- Our small class sizes allow instructors to work closely with students. However, sometimes students and parents want to work one-on-one with a writing expert on a regular basis. Families in this situation may wish to consider enlisting the services of one of our WTMA tutors to assist them.